Few words from our Founder
I met a famous lawyer Krishna Menon regarding some personal issue. It was his humanity, his concern and his willingness to help that I developed a great regard for him. So, the next time when I got confused regarding what to do, I again went to him for his advice. He asked, “What is it you yourself want to do?” I though and said, “I hate to see my own young children feel miserably bored at school and I always felt I would love to teach and make school fun for them as well as other children too.” He grinned and said, “Here is your answer and it is a good one too for it is something our country needs very badly.”
So I went ahead and took the training. I eventually started the school to bring shine to the faces of all the children. Independence of work left me free in every way to experiment and invent my own ways approach and realized that years of experience are never wasted. Read More..